
If the disease is not treated, it can lead to tooth loss. The main cause of periodontal disease is microbes present in dental plaque or biofilm. If the disease is limited to the gums, it is called gingivitis, which can be successfully treated with good oral hygiene and plaque removal.
If gingivitis is left untreated for a long time, it can gradually move to the bone area and create periodontal inflammation, known as periodontitis. This process can take place slowly and without significant symptoms, which emphasizes the need for regular and timely diagnostic checks.
Untreated periodontitis can cause gum pain, bad breath and, in extreme cases, tooth loss, while neglect can affect the body's overall health.

The treatment of periodontitis is aimed at removing the infection (tartar, plaque and inflamed tissues) and improving the patient's home hygiene. The first goal is to eliminate the infection that may be causing the bone loss. The second goal is to train the patient in proper home hygiene, which in some cases can eliminate the need for surgical interventions on the gums.
The treatment of periodontitis requires a comprehensive approach and cooperation between the patient and the dentist.
MDDr. Martin Masha

MDDr. In addition to our clinic, Martin Máša works at the periodontology department in
Faculty hospital in Olomouc, where he specializes in mucogingival surgery, aesthetics
soft tissues around teeth and implants and bone augmentation. Nowadays
conducts research on the use of probiotics in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis as part of his PhD studies.
Even in the most serious damage to the periodontium, he tries to find solutions to save the teeth.